When we saw this art piece made of soap and a “Barbie” head, we knew we had to dive in and investigate all the other creative ways artists are crafting craniums from the famous fashionista in their artwork.

It's no secret that Barbie has captivated the hearts and imaginations of millions of people since her introduction in 1959. But what happens when Barbie's head becomes a canvas for art? The results are oddly fascinating indeed, with artists from around the world reimagining the heads of this plastic icon and transforming them into curious works of art that include repaints, jewelry integrations, spooky lamps, 2-D art pieces, and much more.

For more curious Barbie history, check out our article on Pregnant Barbie and learn the strange and controversial backstory on the knocked-up version of America’s sweetheart doll.


See More Barbie Heads

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