We just can’t get enough of these taxidermy mice on Etsy, created by taxidermy artists from around the world.

Taxidermy mice are quite popular on this platform, with over 2,000 seller listings related to this search term alone. One could spend literally hours combing through the long list of opportunities for which of these will become your new furry friend. We’ve narrowed down that list for you, featuring some of the best taxidermy mice and the stand-out artists behind these curious creations.

There are taxidermy mice inspired by just about every pop culture and film reference you could dream up - Harry Potter, It, The Shining, Freddy Krueger, Batman, you name it. Hobbies and interests are well covered too. Dancing, entertaining, music, gardening, magic, drinking, weed smoking - for every popular pastime, there’s a darling little taxidermy mouse enacting it.

All of the sellers featured here are among the highest-rated taxidermy artists on Etsy, most of them sharing very detailed information on the ethical sourcing of their animals.

Miss Mugworts Mortuary from Syracuse, New York, maker of the Taxidermy Mouse Book Pile below, also has an adorable Bob Ross taxidermy mouse in her collection.

Brooklyn Taxidermy, creators of the Fortune Teller above and the Taxidermy Tattoo Artist below, features a wide variety of taxidermy animals and gorgeous butterflies in glass jars.

The Curious 13 from Polk City, Florida, the artists behind the Han and Leia Taxidermy Mice, also have a Magical Mouseicorn which is just weirdly cool.

Jam Taxidermy Mice, who brought us the Pet Cemetery mouse, have several other gore-themed mice to choose from, but also a super cool E.T. Taxidermy Mouse backlit by its own moon!

MB Creature, creator of the Joker Taxidermy Mouse, also features taxidermy frogs in full Ninja Turtle costumes.

And last but definitely not least is Bea Odd Creations from the UK. In addition to their absolutely stunning Beetlejuice taxidermy mouse, they have a whole array of Tim Burton-inspired taxidermy mice, including Edward Scissorhands and Jack Skellington, but also Steven King-inspired classic characters, including the infamous Annie Wilkes from Misery.


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