When we came across this frightening framed face from New Hampshire oddities seller The Knotted Fang, it begged the question, just how creepy can creepy face art get? The answer? Pretty damn creepy, and we’re here to share all the curious and chilling wonders with you.

Because, truly, before now it feels like if you wanted to see some creepy faces, you had to either turn on a freaky flick or head to your nearest haunted house. Horror-inspired makeup has long been its own art form, with artists incorporating everything from distorted features, simulated wounds, zombie effects, and other grotesque details to depict some intensely scary scenes.

So we think it’s pretty amazing that creepy face art seems to be emerging as its own unique art trend. One could spend all day sifting through the wide variety of brilliantly disturbing offerings.


Creepy Face Art

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