It’s hard to beat a good scary movie during Halloween season. So when we saw this amazing “Here’s Johnny” handmade wall-hanging sculpture by Phantom Foliage Crafts, we knew we had to scare up even more creepy-cool examples of art inspired by our favorite horror classics.

Thankfully, the artists of Etsy didn’t disappoint - they never do! - and there are literally hundreds of horror film-inspired sculptures to choose from. Below are some of our favs, but be sure to check out their entire collections as each artist has a wide range of fascinating work to explore. Everything featured here is made by independent artists/companies and is either handmade, limited edition, made-to-order, or one-of-a-kind custom original art.


Horror Film Sculptures

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More Creepy Home Decor


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Miniature Models by The Haunted HQ


Protection Necklace