Mini art prints, such as the Golden Poppy Miniature Painting by ArtGushcha featured above, are an adorably curious trend that we can’t get enough of these days.

Also known as mini prints or tiny art, these micro-sized original works can be as small as one inch squared! Created by artists from around the world using a wide variety of materials and mediums, including original oils, all sorts of fiber papers, and vintage frames - the list is truly endless! - these miniature pieces can be found both online and in local art galleries and gift shops in cities large and small.

Collecting tiny art is such a great way to support local and/or independent artists that is also extremely affordable. They also make pretty cool gifts.

Be sure to check out the entire collection and shop for each artist featured here. We’re super excited to see what they come up with next!


See More Mini Art Prints

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More Curious Art and Handmade Things


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