Vampires are curiously popular creatures that have survived hundreds of years as mythical legends. Origin theories around their folklore can be traced back nearly 1,000 years, often in connection to diseases or demonic traditions. Some link vampires to porphyria, a real blood disorder sometimes referred to as “vampyre disease” causing sensitivity to sunlight, gum recession (hello, fangs), blood drinking, and, get this, an actual aversion to garlic.

More recently skeletons have been unearthed in Europe, buried with padlocks around their feet and sickles across their neck, indicating there was a very real fear these individuals may return from the dead.

Today our collective fascination with vampires seems just as eternal as their stories, with amazing artists around the world creating all forms of vampire artwork, namely vampire sculptures.

This article was first inspired by the Mummified Vampire Head by The Dusty Tentacle pictured above. Be sure to check out the entire collection for each artist as they each have some truly unique creations you won’t want to miss.


More Vampire Sculptures

Click on Images Below to See Larger and to Get More Info


More Vampires, Ghosts, and Zombies


Article References:

Vampire Myths Originated With a Real Blood Disorder, Queen’s University

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